Fuel is an open world racing game set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by an un-named catastrophe, with players experiencing varying weather effects such as occasional tornadoes and sandstorms, as well as an accelerated day-night cycle. The game world is over 5,560 square miles (14,400 km²) in size and completely free to roam. In the free roaming mode, the game features the ability to drive anywhere in the game world without incurring loading times, however crashing your vehicle - or invoking the reset function to return to the road - does invoke a loading screen.
The player starts at one of 19 camps, with a few vehicles at the start of the single-player campaign, which is called "career" mode. When the career is fully completed the player can use seventy different vehicles across six different classes, including bikes, ATVs, muscle cars, SUVs, buggies and trucks as well as a hovercraft. There are around 75 vehicles in the game. Fuel serves as money to pay with for new vehicles. In the game the player can customize vehicles and the driver up to certain limits.
To advance through the game, the player must earn stars and fuel. Stars are earned with Career races, the locations of which are shown on the map as a 5-point star in a circle indicating a camp. Each race has 3 difficulty levels. For completing a race, the player earns one star for each difficulty level and an amount of fuel. This can only be done once; completing the same race for the second time on the same level will not be rewarded. With enough stars the player can unlock new areas of the open world map, with a total of 216 stars to be collected in the game. To get all stars, all races must be won on all 3 difficulty levels, although winning on the lowest level gives most rewards. Next to earning a star and fuel, the player will also unlock new clothing items, new vehicles (which still need to be bought) and Doppler Trucks will appear in the specific area.
Once the player has completed a race, the star-icon will get a ring around it, matching the color of the difficulty level with which the race was completed. Career races can only be completed in certain vehicles, usually the player gets restricted to choose out of maximum a dozen vehicles. Career races are restricted to one class of vehicles.
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